Having been immersed in memoir writing for many months, I decided to write a small poem every day for a year to keep my poetic hand in. I've posted them to Instagram and facebook as written – where, to my amazement, people love them – but on this blog they are sometimes subject to later rewriting.
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Saturday, 28 October 2023

In dealing with ...


In dealing with – I assure you, 

very justifiable – frustration, 

do NOT go out and buy a big 

bottle of whiskey, or whatever else 

you regard as excellent tipple. If 

you do – and even if you don’t –

do NOT hurl blunt objects against walls 

with crashing force. Do NOT scream 

your rage so piercingly loud that 

the neighbours call the cops. Take 

Rescue Remedy. Watch something 

mind-numbing on telly. Write a poem.

Write a poem so fierce and sly, it will 

bite the heads off your enemies! Er … 

let’s start again …

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