Having been immersed in memoir writing for many months, I decided to write a small poem every day for a year to keep my poetic hand in. I've posted them to Instagram and facebook as written – where, to my amazement, people love them – but on this blog they are sometimes subject to later rewriting.
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Saturday, 21 October 2023

Her writing ...


Her writing is amazing,

accomplished, wonderful, 

superb. It always was.

But I don’t fall in love 

with any of her characters,

as I once did with the wild,

fantastical girl who lived

in those old, unpublished, 

magical tales of herself.

For Friday Writings #102 at Poets and Storytellers United, the prompt is to ignore the old advice to 'beware of adjectives' and instead go over-the-top with them and still produce something that's a joy to read. I chose to use even quite hackneyed ones in this piece and dare to hope it still works!


  1. Love how you write 'the wild, fantastical girl who lived in those old, unpublished,
    magical tales of herself.' She sounds very lovable to me.

  2. Evolution of a writer and a reader too!

  3. "old, unpublished, / magical tales of herself." - love that- it speaks of familiarity, closeness, a shared past ... all those adjectives spinning a grand story!!

    1. Yes, we were writing buddies for a long time when we lived closer to each other and were both beginning our journey towards publication.

  4. Sounds like you two encouraged one another. We are all characters in our own novels … and fortunate to find the fantastical in the day to day.

  5. It sounds like you might have outgrown the character but not the writing.

    1. Oh no. I just liked her private, autobiographical pieces better than her published novels. They are still very well written, but....

    2. It is hard to stay in love with a character that exists only on paper. Remember the "Paper Doll" song? Do you read any of Penny Louise's serial books. I used to like her characters until she introduced the talking duck whose favorite expletive was the same "F" word over and over. I quite reading her because of this.
      Thanks for the prompt, I needed that.

    3. I'm glad you liked the prompt!

      But I do quite often fall in love with fictional characters – or have other emotional reactions to some. In this case, I think that for some treason I fail to identify with them.

    4. PS No, not acquainted with Penny Lousie.

    5. Ha ha ha, I mean Louise – but it sounds as if my typo could apply.

  6. I like autobiographies too. ...Rall

  7. Confession: After two lines, I wondered if your poem was autobiographical .. until I knew it wasn't. Forever friends are to be cherished, celebrated. [I think of you as the wild, fantastical girl of yore.]

    1. I was a quiet, shy, dreamy girl. And my friend quite well-behaved too. But our imaginations were wild and fantastical! (I imagine you were much more 'out there' than me, dancing lady!)

  8. Life is wild enough as it is!

  9. Enjoyed this Rosemary, very much. 🙂✌🏼🫶🏼

  10. Wonderfully shared.
    I love the description with endearing adjectives :)

  11. Beautifully rendered Rosemary. I too loved the unpublished secret thoughts of me. Like the wild fantastical girl in you.

    1. Yes, I guess it was the wild fantastical girl in me who enjoyed those qualities in my friend's early writings, and in her.

  12. an awesome sweet piece, Rosemary.


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