Having been immersed in memoir writing for many months, I decided to write a small poem every day for a year to keep my poetic hand in. I've posted them to Instagram and facebook as written – where, to my amazement, people love them – but on this blog they are sometimes subject to later rewriting.
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Tuesday, 15 August 2023

A day of feasting …

A day of feasting — on fresh food, 

good wine, and my friend’s cooking;

on old tales told, confidences shared,

deepening understanding;

on the joy of giving 

and the pleasure of receiving.

Sharing with Poets and Storytellers United for Friday Writings #90: Food and/or Eating.


  1. Good times!! A nice meal, wonderful conversation... these things heal people.

  2. Deliciously told visuals and words!

  3. Great Nothing better than friends and a good meal

  4. Pleased you are having such a fun time with your friend.Food looks great.

  5. Good food, good friends (or esp that one good friend) is true contentment.

  6. That is exactly what a meal should be, spiritually as well as physically nourishing. Beautiful words, Rosemary <3

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed them, Sunra.

    2. I will say, ditto, your friend's cooking reminds me of our younger daughter. She invites us to come have a meal with her family of three (was four, one graduated from college and left, working now in NYC). And often she brings us some food, extras at her house. I think we receive much more than we give, occasionallly Mrs. J brings a dish, most times the dessert.
      Thanks for the prompt, I'd say, as a moderate guess, that 1/10 of my posts are of eating. That would be counting both active blogs, the other has way more than this one.

    3. Sharing a meal is so very bonding!

  7. Yum! I could do with more friends like you and yours. :-)

  8. delicious food, good wine and fine conversation with a friend. What more pleasant experience can beat that? :)

  9. A meal with friends - great idea. But not is Cad is going to be there . . .

    1. I don't think I'll get into the middle of that. :-D

  10. Your preamble to the prompt says that 'food can be an expression of love.' What would you say the imposing comment moderation was an expression of?

    1. The moderation is a regrettable necessity to stop spamming. The wording is an attempt to care for my commenters nevertheless. Without it, if people's comments didn't show up immediately, they would imagine they hadn't gone through and keep trying to send over and over. I'm sure they have better things to do with their time!

    2. PS The spamming, frequent though it was, was no great bother to ME; I could just delete when I noticed. But I regard it as an imposition on my readers, to which I have no wish to subject them. So the moderation itself, as well as the wording, is a way to look after people who enter my space in good faith.

  11. Sharing meals with friends, old and new, with family and loved ones is what it's all about. In my earliest recollections, meals around both of my grandmothers' tables brought joy and and a feeling of being safe.

    1. Oh yes, those big extended-family meals in childhood were the best!


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