Having been immersed in memoir writing for many months, I decided to write a small poem every day for a year to keep my poetic hand in. I've posted them to Instagram and facebook as written – where, to my amazement, people love them – but on this blog they are sometimes subject to later rewriting.
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Tuesday, 30 May 2023

How Not to Behave in a Posh Hotel

Selected a sliver, palest green,

from the side plate. Bit into it.

My teeth melted. The top of my head 

blew off. I reached over, grabbed and 

downed a complete stranger’s milkshake.

‘What was THAT?’ (when I could 

breathe).‘Oh, a raw tabasco pepper.’

For the latest Monday Quadrille at dVerse, we are asked

to write 44 words, including 'pepper'.


  1. I know this would not be funny and possibly dangerous, however your telling made it so!

    1. It was a really long time ago, but never forgotten. I never thought it might have been dangerous, but very uncomfortable and scary at the time. It was very quickly funny in retrospect.

  2. Thanks for sharing that pepper moment.
    Happy you dropped by my blog.


  3. Rosemary,

    This is really cute - I hope it's not a scene from real life! 🙃

    All best,

    1. Yes, I'm afraid it was. A very long time ago on my first trip to Bali. We weren't rich enough to stay at the Bali Hyatt, but treated ourselves to a dinner there one night. I had the Nasi Goreng, and most of the side dishes were designed to cool the palate, so I picked up that piece of raw tabasco in all innocence. Usually I love hot, spicy food – including lashings of tabasco sauce on almost everything – but I have never before or since encountered anything as hot as that raw tabasco and remain convinced it is the fiercest heat there can be.

  4. Success! Now I can comment directly to tell you how much I love the hilarious storytelling here!

    1. Oh, thank you for that! I'm so delighted that you do.

  5. I have witnessed someone in a similar dilemma (Indian restaurant), I was torn between humour and worry. It's funny now though.

    1. I think my witnesses were simply astounded, and had no clue what was going on until I was able to explain.


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